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The events and activities at Urban-Geoponics are community-driven, so we encourage families to come out, plant, educate, and volunteer to guarantee a successful movement. We believe in the youth and their ability to take part in the development process. Our sincere effort for high community engagement has yielded a demand from local restaurants and merchants who are committed to purchasing our “first fruits”, ie. goods and services.

Currently, a small sales team is undergoing training to make pre-sales of quality veggies & fish. Our next step is to obtain a USDA Organic stamp affording us easier access into local grocery stores across America.

It Only Takes 10 Minutes

Because of the Summit we have been able to obtain over 10 acres of land to cultivate community gardens and support sustainable farming techniques, such as vertical growing and the aquaponics system. Local community residents, educators, business professionals, and change agents have rallied behind this effort, and as a result, we are poised to leverage their donations and equipment contributions to create new 8 new jobs by the close of 2024.

Who knows, one day we may be able to compete with the GMO Farmers who stock up sloppy distributors with our own brand of Healthy Grocery Stores. Please get involved, we need funding to help us remain in a self-sustaining, forward and upward movement.

Food Desert vs Food Apartheid

In essence, “food apartheid” rejects the passive, ecological connotations of “food deserts” and instead centers the role of systemic racism, discriminatory policies, and power imbalances in creating these disparities. It is a more accurate and empowering term for describing the root causes of unequal food access.

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