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“Man alone a form of animated nature is the creature that has moved into an adaptive zone which is an entirely learned one. This is the zone of culture, the man made, the learned, part of the environment” – Ashley Montague

“Go back to the past and bring forward that which is useful.”



The Urban-Geoponics is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit cultural organization dedicated to preserving and teaching the richness and beauty of African culture through science, art, agriculture, life skills, and economics; infused with a holistic approach to Sankofa principles practiced worldwide.

ONE BOX AT A TIME: Over the past few years, the FARMACY launched the community Neighborhood Raised Beds initiative, a collaborative effort to increase planter boxes where grocery stores and local farmers markets are lacking.


Youth Activities

Designed to boost ESTEaM, the Farmacy fitness component is a childhood obesity prevention and outreach effort to commit to healthy physical activity and responsible decisions, all year round.

Sankofa Initiatives

Hands-on learning and activities in the garden are found to be more effective than those that focus solely on increasing knowledge about health and nutrition.

Farm Tours

The Farmacy is a great place to learn about nature and spend time as a family.  Drop by for a tour.

Education and Community Engagement

We encourage community residents to Volunteer. Learn how to construct raised beds in your backyard. We already see the impact this is having to help close the nutrition gap where our neighborhood is prong to early conditions of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.